Statistics in a Modern World 800
Solutions to Exam 3

    1. (i) relative frequency
    2. 1 - .16 = .84
    3. .23 + .16 = .39
    1. Venn diagram should show two circles F and O; overlap has probability .05; in F but not O has probability .03; in O but not F has probability .20.
    2. .08 + .25 - .05 = .28, or from Venn .03 + .05 + .20 = .28
    3. NOT independent because .08 * .25 doesn't equal .05
    1. inadmissible because they sum to more than 1
    2. inadmissible because probabilities cannot exceed 1
    3. inadmissible because probabilities cannot be negative
    4. admissible; probabilities could be 2/3 and 1/3
    5. inadmissible because whether or not one wins must impact the probability of the other winning
  2. (b) personal probability
  3. 1/4 * 1/4 = 1/16
  4. 1/4 * 1/3 = 1/12
  5. 1(.1) + 2(.4) + 3(.3) + 4(.2) = 2.6
  6. (a) more likely because more general
  7. (d) representativeness
  8. (c) equally likely
  9. (b) gambler's fallacy
  10. (b) availability (through media)
  11. (e) optimism
  12. (g) conservatism
  13. (a) anchoring
  14. (f) over-confidence
  15. (b) because of reduction of risk to 0
  16. (a) so many unusual events are possible that some are bound to happen occasionally
  17. (a) 97% (solved in lecture)
    1. 1 - .02 = .98
    2. .02 * .9 = .018
    3. .98 * .05 = .049
    4. .018 + .049 = .067
    5. .018/.067 = .27
    6. (d) forgotten base rates

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