Stat 200 Basic Applied Statistics

Spring 2018, Mon.Wed.Fri. 10:00 (CRN 10712) or 11:00 (CRN 10713) or 12:00 (CRN 10736) Lawrence 107, 4 credits
Department of Statistics
University of Pittsburgh

Instructor Dr. Nancy Pfenning
Office Posvar 1808
Phone 412-521-8349 (home, if urgent, before 10pm)
  412-624-8336 (during office hours)
Office Hrs Thurs. 10:00-12:50 in WWPH 1811 or 1808, or by appt.
Stat Lab Posvar 1201; for hours of operation and names of TAs on staff, see schedule but avoid times when it's been reserved (schedule to be posted on the door).
Tutors Contact the 648-7920 for the Dietrich School's Peer Tutoring center, or visit their website.


  • Practice Final and Solutions
  • Practice Midterm 2 and Solutions to Practice Midterm 2
  • Practice Midterm 1 and Solutions to Practice Midterm 1
  • Powerpoint Lecture Slides
  • Practice Quizzes and Solutions
  • Blank Homework Forms (to be printed if you didn't pick one up in class)
  • Recitations on the following dates will be held in the Stat Lab 1201 Posvar Jan. 9-12, Feb.20-23, Apr.10-13, Apr.17-20.
  • Student Survey data: Fall2012StudentSurveyData.txt a tab-delimited text file, is now available. To download it into MINITAB, Type ctrl A to highlight, ctrl C to copy, start up MINITAB, type ctrl V to paste it. If it asks about delimiters, click OK.
  • Here is a brief guide to MINITAB 17 Basics , used in this course; for work on a Mac, see MinitabForMac .
  • MINITAB is available on the PCs at all campus computing labs, such as Cathedral, Forbes Quad, Benedum, and of course the Stat Lab. If in addition you would like to have MINITAB on your PC, Pitt's Software Download Service offers MINITAB for free. Alternatively, a free fully functional demo can be downloaded from Minitab but it will only run for 30 days, so consider waiting until later in the semester!


    This is a course for students who wish to learn basic methods in order to analyze simple studies and experiments. This course will present the basic methods of applied statistics, utilizing an easy-to-use interactive statistical computing package called MINITAB. Students will be provided with readily understandable and intuitive descriptions of statistical analyses. The topics to be covered include: basic descriptive statistics for univariate and bivariate data, very elementary probability theory, random samplings from populations and random allocation to experimental treatments, sampling distributions, concepts of confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, tests of means in one-sample, two-sample, paired-sample and standard analysis of variance contexts, plus regression. Categorical data analysis will also be discussed. Most students taking this course will probably not pursue further formal undergraduate study in applied statistics.


    MATH 0031 (Algebra) or equivalent. No Comp. Sci. background needed.


    Pfenning Elementary Statistics: Looking at the Big Picture (c)2011 Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, STUDENT edition, sold royalty-free at the University of Pittsburgh Book Center. Note that the looseleaf version is an option, as is eBook rental. Do not use the Instructor Edition. If you'd like to consult other statistics books for reference, ask me in office hours. A calculator (any kind) is needed.


    Homework,computer lab problems, quizzes, two midterms, and a comprehensive final exam.


    12 Homeworks 350
    12 Lab Problems 50
    Best 10 of 11 Quizzes 100
    Midterm 1 150
    Midterm 2 150
    Final Exam [see calendar for dates] 250
    Total 1050
    Course % Total divided by 10

    Course Grade

    90-105% A; 80-89% B; etc. Plusses are assigned to the students at the top of each grade range and minuses to the students at the bottom. None of us can know in advance if an individual student will be a "borderline case"; completing all the assignments throughout the semester can help you to optimize your chances for the best possible grade; no late homeworks will be accepted.

    Recitations: *Students from all lectures can use any TA's office hours. Check this website for updates of times and locations.*

    10:00 Lecture Candice Robinson email Office Hrs* Wednesdays 2:30-4:30 in Posvar 2415;
    • Tuesday, 9:00-9:50 LAWRN 233 [CRN 10726]
    • Tuesday, 10:00-10:50 LAWRN 233 [CRN 10727]
    • Tuesday, 11:00-11:50 LAWRN 233 [CRN 10728]
    • Tuesday, 2:00-2:50 LAWRN 233 [CRN 10725]
    11:00 Lecture Isaac Briskin email Office Hrs* Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 and Thursdays 4:00-5:00 in Posvar 1827;
    • Wednesday, 12:00-12:50 LAWRN 231 [CRN 10729]
    • Wednesday, 1:00-1:50 LAWRN 231 [CRN 10730]
    • Wednesday, 2:00-2:50 LAWRN 231 [CRN 10731]
    • Thursday, 9:00-9:50 LAWRN 233 [CRN 10836]
    12:00 Lecture Channing Parker email Office Hrs* Wednesdays 1:00-2:00 and Thursdays 1:00-2:00 in Posvar 1824
    • Thursday, 4:00-4:50 LAWRN 233 [CRN 10737]
    • Friday, 9:00-9:50 LAWRN 232 [CRN 10738]
    • Friday, 10:00-10:50 LAWRN 232 [CRN 10980]
    • Friday, 11:00-11:50 LAWRN 232 [CRN 10739]

    Recitations will concentrate on the use of MINITAB (our computer package) and on the clarification and review of lecture material. All quizzes except Quiz 11 will be administered in recitation. In addition, individual questions, especially those pertaining to the homework assignments, may be addressed.

    Note: The material in this course is cumulative in nature. Thus, it is important not to fall behind in your reading or assignments or you will find yourself lost. If you are confused, see me or your recitation instructor for help.

    Note to Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services, 216 WPU (412) 648-7890, as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course. See their website

    Academic Integrity Every student is responsible for understanding and abiding by the University's code for ethical behavior, as outlined on this website:

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