Basic Applied Statistics 200
Solutions to Practice Midterm 1 Fall 2002

    1. (i) Method 1 because the values tend to be lower
    2. (iii) both about the same
    3. (i) Method 2 looks somewhat left-skewed (long left tail)
    4. (iv) neither has values far from the rest
    5. (ii) mean and standard deviation because it is fairly symmetric, but you could make a case for the 5 Number Summary because there is (slight) skewness
    6. 13, 19 (3rd value), 24, 28 (8th value), 31
    7. neither (this should have been included as an option)
    1. 0 is the mean of a standard normal distribution
    2. 1 is the standard deviation of standard normal z
    3. .1003 are GREATER (.8997 would be less)
    4. practically no observations are this high
    5. .9772-.8413=.1359
    6. look up .0404; the closest z is -1.75
    7. look up .9900 (because you want the HIGHEST 1%); the closest z is 2.33
    1. 95% are within 2 s.d.s of the mean: 5.3 plus or minus 2(.2) goes from 4.9 to 5.7
    2. z=(4.8-5.3)/.2=-2.5; the proportion below is .0062
    3. no, not likely because the probability .0062 is so small
    4. for .25 below, z=-.67, so x=5.3-.67(.2)=5.166
    1. men who died (3160/2223) have the highest proportion
    2. 332/706=.47
    3. 332/1692=.20
    4. 374/531=.704
    1. tip
    2. (i) increase (points slope up)
    3. (iii) rather strong (points are fairly tightly clustered)
    4. (v) +.83 because the relationship is fairly strong, but you could take the square root of R-Sq=.686 to be sure
    5. (ii) same; r is independent of assignment of explanatory/response
    6. -.35+.15(63.30)=9.19
    7. 12-9.19=2.81
    8. (iii) it predicts 15% of the bill minus 35 cents (see regression equation)
    9. (i) random scatter is a good thing in the residual plot
    10. (ii) decrease because it would make the clustering looser
    1. (iii) not enough replication; 5 each are small groups
    2. (i) no comparison is made
    3. (ii) no randomization; people chose what medication to take
    1. 25 is the number actually examined
    2. observational study; the pediatrician does not manipulate any variables, she only observes

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