Basic Applied Statistics 200
Solutions to Midterm 1 at 10:00

    1. (iii) 5 number summary values (and boxplots) are higher for males
    2. (iii) Stdev is higher for males, and boxplot shows more spread
    3. (iii) there is some right skewness, and 3 high outliers
    4. (iii) for right skewness/high outliers, mean > median
    5. Five Number Summary is better in the case of skewness and/or outliers
    1. stems should be 0 (leaves 12223), 0 (leaves 556), 1 (leaves 00002), 1 (leaves 55), 2 (leaves 00)
    2. no: shape is neither symmetric nor bell-shaped
    3. 10 (the 9th value of 17)
    4. (ii) 6 [the numbers look to be about 6 away from their mean, typically]
    1. 1-.6700=.3300, or by symmetry look up z=-.44
    2. .0228-.0013=.0215
    3. -1.64 or -1.65
    1. 500 plus or minus 2(115): between 270 and 730
    2. x < 300 means z < -1.74; proportion is .0409
    3. the mean, 500
    4. cut-off for top 15% same as for bottom 85%: z= +1.04, so x=500+1.04(115) =619.6
    1. heights
    2. (i) positive (iii) linear (v) strong
    3. positive square root of .623 (Rsquared) is .79
    4. .79 (r unaffected by change in units of measurement)
    5. -15.4 + 0.364(67) = 9
    6. 8 - 9 = -1
    7. (iii) [the output indicates both R and X for this observation]
    8. (ii) without that student, the points exhibit tighter clustering
    9. (i) a random residual plot indicates a straight line alone is a good summary
    1. males: 13/20 = .65 vs 19/54 = .35
    2. 35/42 = .83
    3. 35/74 = .473
    1. (i) an observational study; imposing a treatment of meals would be unrealistic
    2. (i)
    3. (iii)
    1. Pitt students constitute the population
    2. 3 times 2 = 6
    1. (ii) treatment is chewing, so control should be not chewing
    2. (i) randomness avoids bias
    3. (i) adequate replication is another principle of good design

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