College in High School Statistics 200
Survey Questions

Survey results are to be independent and anonymous; pay no attention to other students' responses, and do not write your name on this paper. Answer the questions as completely as possible.

  1. What school do you attend?____________
  2. Which one of these subjects do you prefer? (a) art (b) English (c) foreign language (d) history (e) math (f) music (g) phys ed (h) science
  3. What was your math SAT score? (Leave blank if you did not take the SATs.)____________
  4. What was your verbal SAT score? (Leave blank if you did not take the SATs.)____________
  5. How tall are you, to the nearest inch? ____________
  6. What is your shoe size? ____________
  7. Are you male or female? ____________
  8. What is your mother's height?____________
  9. What is your father's height?____________
  10. Which one of these colors do you like best? (a) red (b) orange (c) yellow (d) green (e) blue (f) purple (g) black (h) pink
  11. What grade are you in? (Circle 10th, 11th, or 12th)
  12. How do you typically get to school? (Circle walk, bus, ride in a car, or drive myself.)
  13. How many minutes did you spend on homework and studying yesterday? ____________
  14. How many minutes did you spend exercising yesterday? ____________
  15. How many minutes did you spend on the computer yesterday (not including school work)? ____________
  16. How many minutes did you spend watching TV yesterday? ____________
  17. How many minutes did you spend on the telephone yesterday? ____________
  18. How many hours did you sleep last night (to the nearest half-hour)? ____________
  19. How many years old are you? ____________ How many months since your last birthday? ____________
  20. How many years old is your mother? ____________
  21. How many years old is your father? ____________
  22. How many siblings do you have (counting step-brothers and step-sisters)? ____________
  23. Do you have ear(s) pierced? (Answer yes or no.)
  24. Which of these are you wearing now? (Circle contacts, glasses, or neither.)
  25. How much money did you earn last year, to the nearest hundred dollars? (Answer 0 if you earned nothing. Do not include money from your parents.) ____________
  26. How much allowance did you receive last month from your parents? (Answer 0 if you received no allowance.) ____________
  27. Are you left-handed, right-handed, or ambidextrous? ____________