Kiser Lake, Ohio.

 Petroglyph, Tamgaly, Kazakhstan.

 Lake Peten Itza, Guatemala.

 Lake Erkhel, Mongolia.

 The Maya site of Palenque, Mexico.

 Alta Lake, Washington State.

 Lake Kastoria, Greece.

 Deerstones near Lake Erkhel, Mongolia.  Limnes basin, western Crete.

 Lake Uzunkul, Russia.


A list of publications available electronically (i.e., downloadable) follows.  Simply "right click" on the italicized file size text to access the Adobe Portable Document File.  An expanded list of publications may be found within the curriculum vitae file linked above.


Steinman, B.A., M.F. Rosenmeier, and M.B. Abbott. 2010. The isotopic and hydrologic response of small, closed-basin lakes to climate forcing from predictive models: Simulations of stochastic and mean state precipitation variations. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 2246-2261. (6,625K PDF file).

Steinman, B.A., M.F. Rosenmeier, M.B. Abbott, and D.J. Bain. 2010. The isotopic and hydrologic response of small, closed-basin lakes to climate forcing from predictive models: Application to paleoclimate studies in the upper Columbia River basin. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 2231-2245. (378K PDF file).

Anselmetti, F.S., D.A. Hodell, D. Ariztegui, M. Brenner, and M.F. Rosenmeier. 2007. Quantification of soil erosion rates related to ancient Maya deforestation. Geology 915-918. (406K PDF file).

Hillesheim, M.B., D.A. Hodell, B.W. Leyden, M. Brenner, J.H. Curtis, F.S. Anselmetti, D. Ariztegui, D.G. Buck, T.P. Guilderson, M.F. Rosenmeier, and D.W. Schnurrenberger. 2005. Climate change in lowland Central America during the late deglacial and early Holocene. Journal of Quaternary Science 20: 363 – 376. (1,387K PDF file).

Rosenmeier, M.F., M. Brenner, W.F. Kenney, T.J. Whitmore, and C.M. Taylor. 2004.  Recent eutrophication in the southern basin of Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala: human impact on a large tropical lake. Hydrobiologia 511: 161-172. (458K PDF file).

Brenner, M., D.A. Hodell, J.H. Curtis, M.F. Rosenmeier, F.S. Anselmetti, and D. Ariztegui. 2003. Paleolimnological approaches for inferring past climate change in the Maya region: recent advances and methodological limitations. In A. Gómez-Pompa, M.F. Allen, S.L. Fedick, and J.J. Jiménez-Osornio (eds.) The Lowland Maya Area: Three Millennia at the Human-Wildland Interface. Haworth Press: 45-75. (1,192K PDF file).

Brenner, M., M.F. Rosenmeier, D.A. Hodell, J.H. Curtis, F.S. Anselmetti, and D. Ariztegui. 2002. Limnology and Paleolimnology of Petén, Guatemala. Revista de Universidad del Valle de Guatemala 12: 2-9. (In Spanish). (593K PDF file).

Brenner, M., M.F. Rosenmeier, D.A. Hodell, and J.H. Curtis. 2002. Paleoclimatology of the Maya region: a synthesis of the knowledge based on paleolimnological records. In W.J. Folan (ed.) Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Congress of Mayan Investigators. 13-16 November 2001, Campeche, Mexico: 249-261. (In Spanish). (837K PDF file).

Brenner, M., M.F. Rosenmeier, D.A. Hodell, and J.H. Curtis. 2002. Paleolimnology of the Maya Lowlands: long-term perspectives on climate, environment, and humans. Ancient Mesoamerica 13: 141-157. (538K PDF file).

Rosenmeier, M.F., D.A. Hodell, M. Brenner, J.H. Curtis, and T.P. Guilderson. 2002. A 4000-year lacustrine record of environmental change in the southern Maya lowlands, Petén, Guatemala. Quaternary Research 57: 183-190. (352K PDF file).

Rosenmeier, M.F., D.A. Hodell, M. Brenner, J.H. Curtis, J.B. Martin, F.S. Anselmetti, D. Ariztegui, and T.P. Guilderson. 2002. Influence of vegetation change on watershed hydrology: implications for paleoclimatic interpretation of lacustrine δ18O records. Journal of Paleolimnology 27: 117-131. (224K PDF file).

Brenner, M., D.A. Hodell, J.H. Curtis, M.F. Rosenmeier, M.W. Binford, and M.B. Abbott. 2001. Abrupt climate change and Pre-Columbian collapse. In V. Markgraf (ed.) Interhemispheric Climate Linkages. Academic Press: 87-103. (2,928K PDF file).