Program Overview
Careers in Biology & Related Fields
Student Research
Student Internships
Allegheny Institute of Natural History
Biology & BBB Club

Suggested Course of Study
BS in Biology

First Year
ENG 0101 and 0102 English Composition I and II (6 credits)
BIOL 0101 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology (4 credits)
BIOL 0102 Introduction to Biodiversity (4 credits)
CHEM 0101 and 0102 General Chemistry I and II (8 credits)
Math option (MATH 0130, 0132, 0136, or 0140) Pre-Calculus for Business Majors, Pre-Calculus for Science Majors, Applied Calculus, OR Calculus I (3-4 credits)
General Education requirement (3-4 credits)
Physical education requirement (1 credit)
23-30 credits

Second Year

BIOL 0203 Genetics (4 credits)
BIOL 0217 Principles of Ecology & Evolution (4 credits)
CHEM 0206 & 0207, Organic Chemistry I with Lab (4 credits)
General education or elective courses (18 credits)
30 credits

Third Year
Upper-level biology electives (8 credits)
Physics option (PHYS 0101, 0102, 0103, 0201, or 0202) Introduction to Physics I, Introduction to Physics II, Concepts of Physics, Foundations of Physics I, OR Foundations of Physics II (3-4 credits)
General education or elective courses (18-19 credits)
28-31 credits

Fourth Year
BIOL 1451 Capstone (3 credits)
BIOL 1453 Senior Seminar (1 credit)
Upper-level biology electives (8 credits)
General education and elective courses (18 credits)
30 credits

Students seeking secondary teacher certification in biology should meet with an advisor in biology each semester to plan their course of study in biology and with the director of teacher education each semester to plan their course of study in education. Please refer to the section on Education Programs for further details.

For more information on our biology program, please email us at:


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