Latin American Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Regional Archaeology in the Muisca Territory: Fúquene Project Dataset
Carl Henrik Langebaek Rueda  
Collection lots  --  LMUISCA.TXT

LMUISCA.TXT is an AutoCAD map that provides the locations of a collection lots with ceramics of the Late Muisca Period (see Langebaek 1995a, Fig. 6.1). The file is an AutoCAD .DXF file that will probably need to be renamed LMUISCA.DXF before it is used. Collection lot numbers and sites are not included. Each collection lot is identified by an AutoCAD polyline. The layers and their contents are:

View low-resolution version of LMUISCA.GIF  Download the file  LMUISCA.TXT  (827,822 bytes) and then ask your Web browser to save it to disk. 

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