Dennis M. McNair

210 Engineering and Science Building

(814) 269-2907


I am originally from the state of Washington and lived there through my undergraduate college years. I spent several years in the midwest while in the army and graduate school. While I was finishing my Ph.D., I taught at Western Illinois University and Wright State University. Since 1980 I have lived in Johnstown and taught at UPJ.

My teaching interests include ecology, animal physiology and invertebrate zoology, especially entomology and animal parasitology. I've taught a wide variety of courses over my career and have a very broad background in zoology. My research interests include aquatic entomology, the use of insects as indicators of water quality, elucidation of aquatic insect life cycles, identification of insects in wetlands communities, identification of animal parasites and effects of parasites on host behavior. Most of my publications have been technical reports on water quality assessment.

Outside of professional activities, I enjoy reading, music (both listening and choral singing) and cooking. I've been active in the National Audubon Society and am a founding member and member of the board of the local chapter. But the accomplishment of which I am most proud is my marriage (since 1968) to my wonderful wife, Karen, who was my college sweetheart and is a math teacher at Westmont High School.


Tree Of Life Home Page.

Aquatic Ecology Page.

Smithsonian Natural History Page.

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