Pennsylvania Search and Rescue Council

General Meeting Minutes

11 December, 1993

Attendance see attachment #1

Called to order at 10:00 hours by President Peter McCabe. A quorum was established.


Jim Hill assumed Secretarial duties in the absence of Keith Conover M.D.

Minutes of the September report were mailed to all member teams and were also distributed at today's meeting.

Irv L. GPSAR had a correction to September's minutes: He noted that the LRA for the Coatsville VA Medical Center search was not Chester County Parks, but was in fact Coatsville Hospital.

Minutes unanimously accepted as amended.


See attachment #2. Following September's meeting, a mailing was made to teams which have not paid their 1993 dues. Responses were positive concerning reinstatement from all teams except West Branch SAR. As of December's meeting, only dues from S.A.V.E.S. and S.M.E.R.G have been received. It was noted that all others will be reinstated upon receipt of their 1993 dues.

President Peter McCabe indicated that he is not aware that Clinton County 4x4 SAR Unit is a member of PSARC.

The former Coventry SAR is now a part of Phoenixville Fire Department and is available for calls through that entity.


a) We are moving very well towards the incorporation of PSARC. As soon as the bylaws are approved, we will be able to proceed with the next step.

b) There is a need to improvement in the billing process to PSARC member teams. Peter McCabe proposed that beginning in January 1994, a bill for annual dues will be included with the January SAR NET. This should eliminate the confusion as to when dues are to be paid since we normally do not pay a bill until we are invoiced.

c) The directors will soon be scheduling a weekend outing in order to conduct PSARC business.

d) As of the December 11, 1993 meeting, only ten ballots have been received concerning the proposed bylaws changes. It was noted that since the appropriate dating for both the officer and bylaws ballots were missed,it would be inappropriate to open the ballots at this time. Irv L. proposed that a teller committee be appointed to open the ballots when the proper time has elapsed. (January 30, 1994) Peter McCabe will appoint the committee.


Central: No report

Western: No report

Northern: No report

Eastern: Written report was presented by Irv L..

As a reminder; Since regions are once again meeting four times per year, regional meetings are only to be for the purpose of training, information dissemination etc ... No formal business should be conducted at these meetings.


It was reported that there were problems with the statcom service. Apparently the problem is with the resource sheets. It is the responsibility of the member teams to update statcom on an ANNUAL basis. If a new data sheet is not received by statcom, the previous year's information is discarded. So ... IT IS CRITICAL TO UPDATE STATCOM ANNUALLY.


Jim Howley felt there can be no training until the test bank is completed. It was noted that secretary Conover is presently working on the development of a test bank for all approved SAR positions. Once this is completed, Jim felt this would provide direction to his training. It was also noted that curriculum development. should precede testing, and that curriculum currently exists through the PSFA. Changes are pending in order to accommodate PSARC standards.


Steve Houck outlined his goals for 1994. They are:

a) The procurement of another frequency.

b) A communication resource list to determine the number of frequencies needed.


As previously noted, voting on the proposed bylaw changes will occur in January 1994. It was also noted that NE SAR Bruce Barton did not receive a ballot for the proposed bylaw changes.


No Old Business to Report


Due to an oversight by the nominating committee, a candidate for the office of president was received but omitted form the ballot. Due to this oversight, Irv L.sighted past precedent on a similar issue with the resolve being to reissue a corrected ballot. This ballot, should be returned by and counted on January 30, 1994. All collected ballots containing the incomplete slate of proposed officers, should be discarded in their unopened state. This was placed in the form of a motion by Irv L. with a proper seconding by Bruce Barton. Motion carried with 8 members voting yes and 2 voting no. Due to unnamed circumstances, Director Ken Boyles has removed his name from the ballot for the position of Director. The new ballot is as follows:

President: Peter McCabe, Ron Wisbith, Bruce Barton

Vice President: Martha Ann Ackroyd-Geary, Ron Wisbith

Secretary: Keith Conover, Irv Lichtenstein, Dan Geary

Treasurer Greg Sassaman

Director Jim Howley, Jim Hill

It was also noted by at least Mifflin County SAR,that they did not receive a ballot for the 1994 officers vote, however they were in receipt of the bylaws ballot.


It was mentioned that it is our understanding that PEMA now has a memorandum of understanding with Civil Air Patrol. They are again a line item in the PEMA budget.



Previously covered. A presidentially appointed teller committee will open the new ballots on January 30, 1994.

PSARC Incorporation:

When the bylaws are approved in January of 1994, the paperwork will be submitted. From there it will be a relatively short time until completion.


There was some discussion as to whether our current standards violate the disabilities act, It appears it is the opinion of some, that our current standards require things that disabled persons may not be able to accomplish. Much discussion ensued relative to the wording of Call Out Qualified. Peter McCabe reiterated his extensive expertise in this area, and made it clear that in no way will someone that is disabled be excluded from participating in SAR activities. It was determined that if the wording needs changed, then it should be done through proper channels.

Ethics Committee Development:

There is a need to develop an ethical review committee relative to the performance of the members within PSARC. Motion by Bruce Barton seconded by Irv. L. that the bylaws committee develop procedures for handling both grievances and ethical violations within PSARC. Motion passed.

PrePlan Committee:

Although it is currently established, there is a need to expand it to include CAP and others. With no opposition, Peter will appoint someone.

Radio Licence Update:

As previously reported there is official action against Bruce Barton and NE SAR for the alleged inappropriate action relative to the acquisition of a radio licence by Bruce. Bruce was present at the December meeting and countered the allegations aimed at his action. Much discussion ensued with no resolve. A motion was made by Ron Wisbith that in order to determine exactly what occurred, council was to appoint a review board with its members being acceptable to all parties, to gather the facts and report their findings to council. The motion was seconded by Irv L. and was passed with a 10 to one margin.


It was recommended that the previously proposed second revision (See Attached) of the Dog Standards be approved. A motion by Bruce Barton seconded by Tom Pampalone to accept the recommendation. The motion passed.


East Penn Mountaineers SAR, from Delaware Water Gap PA. was proposed for membership. This motion to accept. was made by Ron Wisbith and seconded by Bruce Barton. It unanimously passed.


The long awaited patches have finally arrived and are for sale for $2.50 plus shipping and handling. Those desiring to purchase one of the first 200, may contact Vicki Coup of Strike K-9 at PO Box 61 West Milton PA. 1.7886. Due however to the difficulty in seeing the lettering, it was recommended that a change in colors be made. Ron Wisbith volunteered to provide several alternatives in patch color design. From there we can determine the color of the next production run. This will be available at the March 1994 Meeting.

Adjourned at 2:55 PM.