Pennsylvania Search and Rescue Council


JUNE 27, 1987

The meeting was convened by Dr. Keith Conover, Chairman Pro Tem at 10 AM on June 27, 1987 at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Building, Harrisburg.               A quorum being present the meeting was called to order.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The Membership Committee reported favorably on the applications for membership from:

Vigilante SAR

Search and Rescue K-9 Service

Palisades K-9

On a motion from the Committee and seconded by Ken Boyles the membership commitee's report was adopted. An application for membership from North Braddock EMS was refered to the committee.

A revised draft of the proposed bylaws was submitted. various changes were discussed. On a motion by the Secretary the Bylaws were adopted with the following changes:

a. Quorum is defined as 7 organizations present

b. The first year of the Council will end on Dec. 31, 1988 c. An indemnification clause will be added

d. The Secretary will prepare language to allow for mail ballotting for officers and ammendments prior to the next election of officers.

Following adoption of the Bylaws nominations for office from the floor was reopened. Ballots were prepared and the meeting continued as Steve Kahler acted as teller and reported the following results:

President: Ron Wisbith (Rescue 40)

Vice Pres.: Bruce Barton (Northeast SAR) Treasurer: Greg Sassaman (DER)

Secretary: Irvin Lichtenstein (Greater Phila. SAR)

Members of the Board: Jeff Mills (SEARCH) Caroline Hebard (SAR K-9) John Kihl (AMRG)

The Secretary moved, seconded by Lipko, that a unanimmos ballot be cast for the the new officers.

Reports from Committees followed. The Chairman reported that the CAP situation remains unchanged. The report of the representative to the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council is attached.

The Legislative Committee has been requested to track a bill in the Conservation Committee and the 9-1-1 bill in the Consumer Affairs Committee of the House.

The Preplan Committee submitted the Preplan as its report. On a motion from Lichtenstein and Sassamman the report was approved and attached to these minutes.

The report of the Long Term Goals working group was discussed and refered to the Executive Board for action.

There being no old business new business was discussed. Bruce Barton reported that he had independently been investigating a special service plate for Search and Rescue. The membership instructed him to continue if the plate would be avilable for the usual $20 per vehicle vanity plate fee.

The membership committee is compiling a resource list based on mutual aid data submitted previously. This list should be available for review at the next meeting.

The official address of the Pennsylvania Search and Rescue Council will be:

Pennsylvania Search and Rescue Council 704 Preston Road
Erdenheim, Pa. 19118-1327 (215) 233 3360

Official, and unofficial notices and communications will be published in Greater Philadelphia Search and Rescue's monthly newsletter as a convenience for SAR Council member organizations. Any member wishing to publish training schedules, activity reports, or similar notices should submit them to the Secretary of the Council not later than the first of the month as the newsletter is mailed by the 15th.

Members are also reminded that ALL mission reports should be filed with Ken Boyles, Superintendent, Col. Derning State Park, RD #3, Newville, Pa. 17241. Without mission reports the statistical basis for justifying search and rescue services in Pennsylvania does not exist.

Following adjournment of the Council meeting the incoming President convened a meeting of the incoming Executive Board. Ron Wisbith, the new president, asked all committee chairman to stay on through the new administration. The Board was asked to prepare inputs for a budget that will include the start up costs of the Council. This budget will be prepared at the next Council meeting.

The next meetings will be at the State Fire Academy in Lewistown on September 26 and December 19, 1987 at 10 AM.