Photo Gallery


IRIS Representative
Earthquake sites
Photo Gallery


UPPA Photo Gallery

Updated pictures of our AS-1 seismograph and seismic records.

AS-1 Instrument

Our AS-1 instrument. This is in the basement of the SRCC building at the present time.


Relative motion of a permanent magnet and a coil of electrical conductive wire induces an electrical current. This is amplified to yield a seismograph.

Sensor and pick-up coil

Another image of the vertical motion detection magnet and pick-up coil


The entire sensor is surrounded by a plastic case to eliminate air motion, which would decrease the sensitivity of our instrument.

AS-1 Sensor

Computer heliograph

We use the excellent software of Dr. Alan Jones of SUNY to record our AS-1 records in heliograph format.

Heliogram of normal recording

November 21, 2005 showing normal signal/noise. We are presently running our seismic station at one half the sensitivity because of room noise. It is located in the sub-basement of a laboratory.

Storm wave generated seismic noise

This recording shows the results of storm wave on our seismic recording for November 22, 2005. Ground motion produced by water wave impacts along the east coast significantly increase the noise in our seismic record. Compare this record with that shown for November 21, 2005. We are running at one half the sensitivity of the instrument because of room noise.

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This site was last updated 11/22/05