Advanced Calculus II
Math 1540 Spring 2019

Instructor: Piotr Hajlasz

Office Hours: Monday 12:00-2:00pm, and by appointment.

Office: 420 Thackeray Hall



Advanced Calculus I (pages 1-296)

Advanced Calculus I (supplementary materials)

Advanced Calculus II

One variable

Reccomended books:

1. Berkeley Problems in Mathemtics, Third Edition, by P. N. De Souza and J.-N. Silva

This is an excellent collection of problems for the course. Problems have full solutions. Chapters 1,2,4 cover much of the material needed for the Preliminary Exam in Analysis. Other chapters contain excelelnt problems for other graduate courses like Linear Algebra, Algebra, Analysis II and Ordinary Differential Equations. This book is a must for any Ph.D. student.

2. Elementary Classical Analysis , Second Edition, by J. E. Marsden and M. J. Hoffman

3. Principles of Mathematical Analysis, by W. Rudin

4. Mathematical Analysis, Second Edition, by T. M. Apostol

5. Real Mathematical Analysis by Ch. Ch. Pugh.

Exams: dates TBA

Course Grade: Homework (10%) + Three exams during recitations (10% + 10% + 10%) Two midterm exams in class (20% + 20%) + Final exam (20%)


Homework (LaTeX file) Homework (pdf file)

1. Solutions must be written in LaTeX.

2. If you are new to LaTeX I recommend using

3. The problems will not be graded, but checked for completeness.

4. I will keep adding problems to the same list and you need to add solutions to the same list as the number of problems is increasing.

5. There is no due date yet.