In order to access all the pdf files at this site, you need Acrobat Reader from Adobe.

The FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to view, navigate and print PDF files across many different platforms. Please follow the instructions for :

  1. Downloading Acrobat Reader and
  2. Configure your Web Browser for Acrobat Reader.

1. Downloading

Downloading Acrobat Reader 2.1 for Windows

Acrobat Reader 2.1 for Windows is compatible with Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT and includes the new Weblink plug-in.

System requirements: Requires 386, 486, or Pentium(R)- based processor, Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5 or greater, 4MB RAM or greater.

To install: The DOWNLOAD links below will download the Acrobat Reader installer application named "ACROREAD.EXE". You may need to use "Save Next Link As..." or "Save to Disk" functions of your Web browser.

Run ACROREAD.EXE and follow the installation instructions that appear on the screen.

Download Adobe Acrobat for Windows (1528560 bytes)

Downloading Acrobat Reader 2.1 for Macintosh

Acrobat Reader 2.1 for Macintosh installer includes both PowerMac and 68000 versions and will install the correct version for your system.

System requirements: Requires Macintosh with 68020 or greater processor or PowerPC, Apple System Software 7.0 or greater, 2MB of application RAM (3.5MB of application RAM for PowerPC version).

To install: The DOWNLOAD links below will download the Acrobat Reader installer application. To download the MacBinary version (".bin" files below), your Web browser should be configured to understand the application/x-macbinary MIME type. To download the BinHex version (".hqx" files below), your Web browser should be configured to understand the application/mac-binhex40 MIME type. Otherwise, You may need to use "Save Next Link As..." or "Save to Disk" functions of your Web browser and then unpack the file. StuffIt Expander is a popular Helper Application from Aladdin Systems that can do either job.

Once unpacked, you'll have an installer program named "ACROREAD.MAC" on your system.Double-click on the ACROREAD.MAC installer program icon and follow the installation instructions that appear on the screen. The installation procedure will ask you to read and accept the Electronic End User License Agreement.

DOWNLOAD Acrobat Readder .bin (2845952 bytes)
DOWNLOAD Acrobat Reader .hqx (3869028 bytes)

2. Configure your Web Browser

Here's how you can integrate the Acrobat Reader as an external viewer or "helper application" for:

Netscape Navigator for Macintosh
Netscape Navigator for Windows
Microsoft Internet Explorer for Macintosh
Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows

(The above information is borrowed from the Adobe Systems Incorporated)
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