From Wed Nov 13 13:53:44 1996 Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 13:19:19 +0300 (GMT+0300) From: UN DHA IRIN - Great Lakes To: Subject: Zaire: Oxfam press release - Action needed now 6 Nov 1996 96.11.6 For immediate release 6 November, 1996 Crisis in Eastern Zaire Action needed now - don+t wait for them to starve +The growing international consensus that the refugees could be starved back to Rwanda is simplistic and dangerous. Not only would countless Rwandese women and children be sacrificed, but also too the lives of thousands of innocent Zairians. How many lives will be lost before action is taken?+ said David Bryer, Director, Oxfam UK and Ireland. Oxfam appealed to all EU development aid ministers meeting in Brussels and the foreign ministers meeting at the Anglo-French summit tomorrow to act decisively to protect the lives of over a million refugees and displaced in Eastern Zaire. Oxfam called on the EU ministers to agree immediate action to: o secure a cease-fire between parties to the conflict in Eastern Zaire o resolve the refugee question o help proceed with regional negotiations to address the underlying causes of the conflict Any humanitarian corridor must be two way - allowing aid in and refugees out. But warned that a long term solution to the refugee crisis must deal with the underlying causes of the conflict in the region. +Two years of international indifference has left the world impaled on the horns of a moral dilemma. Only +least-worst+ options are available. The +least-worst+ option is that the UN, EU and OAU immediately organise and deploy a military force to enable the delivery of humanitarian aid. Doing nothing is the worse option,+ added Mr Bryer. Oxfam believes any force must: o ensure the creation of humanitarian space to allow the delivery of relief assistance to those in need in Eastern Zaire o enable those refugees who wish to return to do so voluntarily, in safety and dignity o disarm the former Rwandan government army (FAR) and the Interahamwe militia o protect civilians from violence, with particular attention to the protection needs of women and children o contribute to the application of due judicial procedure for the perpetrators of genocide. Oxfam believes that if such a force was to be deployed, it should: o be fully accountable to the UN o ensure that its short term aims are coherent with the longer term process of a regional political settlement o have the support of the governments of the region For more information contact: Ian Bray 01865 312498/311311 [Via the UN DHA Integrated Regional Information Network "Wire" mailing list. The material contained in this communication may not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations or its agencies. UN DHA IRIN Tel: +254 2 622123 Fax: +254 2 622129 e-mail: for more information. If you re-print, copy, archive or re-post this item, please retain this credit and disclaimer.]