6. University, college and vocational school students to pay their own tuition fees http://www.chinanews.com/news/9604/19/041910aa.eng Beijing, April 19 (CNS) -- In the next 15 years, university, college and vocational school students will have to pay their own tuition fees. At the same time, scholarships, grants, loans and fee remission will be given to hardworking students or students with financial difficulties. This is one of the education reform targets proposed by the State Education Commission when announcing the National Education Development in the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the Development Plan in 2010" today. In the next five years, 85 per cent of the population should have nine-years of compulsory education. Five to six years primary education should be made standard for ten of the remaining 15 per cent of the population. Three to four years of primary education would become the norm for the remaining five per cent. Illiteracy should be reduced to below 5 per cent. Senior secondary education should be popularized in large cities and economically prosperous coastal regions. The number of vocational school students should account for 60 per cent of senior middle school students. The number of university and college students would be around 6.5 million. --end item CNS 0419-10