12. Construction fund of six literary creation centres exceeds RMB 100 million http://www.chinanews.com/news/9603/04/030415aa.eng Beijing, March 4 (CNS) -- At present, China has six national centres for literary originality. A construction fund and a literary fund stand possessed of RMB 100 million and 8 million respectively. From the National Centre for Literary Originality Symposium which ended today, it is known that the present period is one of unprecedentedly huge investment in literature in China. The six centres were set up in Hunan, Guangdong, Shanghai, Shandong, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia in July last year. The aim is to encourage full-length novels, films, literary and artistic creation for youth and children. In recent years, President Jiang Zemin has emphasized these kinds of literary creativity as the "three planks" of literature. In recent years, the Chinese Writers Association has adopted new measures to encourage the publication of full-length novels, films, literary and artistic creation for youth and children. The establishment of the six centres is a part of these efforts. Now the basis of the six centres has been set up. At the same time, a series of writers' living compounds have been established to create conditions under which writers can produce works of literary merit. In Shandong, there are ten such compounds. The centres mark a breakthrough for the literary world in China. The style of literature differs from the traditional; new and innovative work is a novel experiment. The Guangdong and Shandong centres have worked out plans and administration measures. The focal point of development is that literary work should reflects people's life in the process of opening reform and modernization. --end item CNS 0304-15