Great Dishes

Food Recommendations in and Near Oakland, near the University of Pittsburgh Campus

From Katz and Pitt faculty and staff

Compiled by Dennis Galletta

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In alphabetical order. Last updated July 1, 2015
(note: also see my list of favorite restaurants in the world)

The purpose of this page is to provide better guidance to people interested in knowing what DISHes to order in nearby restaurants. This is a compilation of peoples' favorite dishes--those items that make you come back again and again. Besides having RESTAURANT ratings, which are available elsewhere, I think it is important to have more specific guidance for what to order when you get there!.

If you would like to provide some input, please email me and I will post your opinions and your first and last name unless you insist on keeping it anonymous. The best input would be in the form and style I have below, which will require little editing (and possible distortion).

I've tried to furnish the best link I could find for each restaurant. If links become broken or you know of better links, please email me. Bon appetite!



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