Multiple Choice Study Questions—Set 2                                                             Dr. Irene H. Frieze
Psychology 0160—Personality


Christy Belanger

1. An example of an inherited emotion is (are)
a. display of feelings
b. emotional reactivity
c. proneness to anxiety
d. only a and b
e. All of the above

Answer: e
From: Lecture notes, 12/1/98

Kim Bui

"Good things come to those who wait" is a quote that describes which concept?
a. impulse control
b. delay of gratification
c. strange situation
d. the social clock
e. none of the above

Answer: b
From: Lecture notes, 11/17/98

What is thought to be stable in a person’s life?
a. sociability
b. emotionality
c. activity level
d. temperament
e. All of the above

Answer: e
From: Lecture notes, 12/1/98


Anne Campbell

Ben enjoys dangerous activities, such as bungee jumping and ski diving. According to Bates, Ben is
a. Neurotic
b. Extroverted
c. Sensation seeking
d. Prone to anxiety
e. Social

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 12/1/98

Which of Cattell’s 16 PF traits is the most heritable?
a. concrete vs. abstract thinking
b. controlled vs. impulsive
c. conservative vs. liberal
d. relaxed vs. tense
e. restrained vs. enthusiastic

Answer: a
From: Lecture notes, 11/19/98

Karla Geci

Jim’s dad is a doctor, and so is his grandfather. Jim has known for as long as he can remember that he, too, will become a doctor one day. What is Jim’s identity status?
a. Moratorium
b. Acceptance
c. Identity achievement
d. Identity forclosure
e. Identity diffusion

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes on Lifespan Personality


Brian Elko

A secure baby will
a. be outgoing with stranger when mom is around.
b. be weary of strangers all the time.
c. avoid strangers all together.
d. ignore stranger all together.
e. both c and d

Answer: a
From: Textbook, Chapter 10


Alison Farinacci

During Billy’s first day of preschool, he sat alone and didn’t do anything until his teacher or classmates urged him to play and participate in activities. When his mother came to pick him up, Billy ran to her and wouldn’t stop hugging her until she put him in the car to drive home. Billy was demonstrating a(n)
a. avoidant attachment
b. forced attachment
c. anxious attachment
d. secure attachment
e. Freudian attachment

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 11/17

Jane is Neurotic as a high school student. She will probably
a. score high on a test for negative emotionality
b. score low on a test for negative emotionality
c. be a Neurotic adult
d. never understand herself
e. a and c

Answer: e
From: Lecture notes, 12/1


Julie Jansen

Which of James Marcia four identity statuses involves active exploration?
a. Identity Forclosure
b. Moratorium
c. Identity Achievement
d. Identity Diffusion
e. None of the above

Answer: b
From: Lecture notes, 11/17


Erika Honick

Justin and his friends want to go to the mall and movies on Friday night; however, his parents are not home and the only way they can go is if Justin steals his father’s car. If Justin was in stage 3 of Kolberg’s Model of Development of Moral Judgment, what would Justin do and why?
a. steal the car because he will enjoy it
b. stay home because his parents will definitely punish him
c. stay home because he has no right to take his father’s car without permission
d. stay home because his parents really trust him and would never expect him to break any rules
e. None of these are correct

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 11/12/98 and Text, p. 365


Vicki Gettinger

Someone willing to work hard, respects others who work hard, has a disdain for leisure, and prefers to save money would be said to possess
a. career path
b. Protestant Work Ethic
c. sensitization principle
d. workaholic personality
e. None of the above

Answer: b
From: Text, p. 430


David Ko

Which of the following is a component to the alternative model of evolutionary psychology?
a. high communication skills
b. highly aggressive men most likely to mate
c. women attract men with youth and beauty and seek best provider
d. b and c
e. None of the above

Answer: a
From: Lecture notes, 12/1/98

Which of the following is wrong concerning birth order?
a. first born and only children are lower in achievement motivation
b. having younger siblings increases power motivation
c. younger siblings are more relationship oriented
d. all of the above are wrong
e. none of the above is wrong

Answer: a
From: Lecture notes, 11/16/98


Robert Kidwell

When discussing birth order, first born and only children are high in what motivation?
a. intimacy
b. achievement
c. power
d. social
e. affiliation

Answer: b
From: Note on Chapter 10


Melissa Kobal

Laura first became interested in becoming a doctor when she received a toy stethoscope on her ninth birthday. She made her mind up while in junior high school that she would become a doctor, and in high school she only gor involved in things that support this goal. James Marcia’s Identity Status Paradigm would classify Laura as having this status:
a. identity achievement
b. moratorium
c. identity foreclosure
d. conscientiousness
e. identity diffusion

Answer: c
From: lecture notes, 11/17 and Text, p. 377

Erikson’s term for the mid-life "generativity", expressed by volunteering at a hospital, is mostly related to which motivation(s)?
a. power
b. achievement
c. intimacy
d. both a and c
e. both b and c

Answer: d
From: Lecture on 11/19 and Text, p. 379

According to John Bates, what are the three major dimensions to temperament?
a. secure, anxious and avoidant
b. good emotionality, bad emotionality and sensation seeking
c. anxiety proneness, emotional reactivity and display of feelings
d. positive emotionality, negative emotionality and sensation seeking
e. openness, extraversion and agreeableness

Answer: d
From: Lecture on 12/1 and Text, p. 404


Ellen Krysinski

In regard to infant temperament, a baby who likes to be held, makes eye contact and smiles a lot, would be considered traits of which general dimension of the emotional nature of a person?
a. activity
b. sociability
c. emotionality
d. evolutionary
e. none of the above

Answer: b
From: Lecture on 12/1/98

Andrew loves skydiving, roller coasters and especially the "Skycoaster" (which is similar to bungee jumping) at Kennywood. His inherited emotion would be considered which of the following?
a. anxiety proneness
b. emotional reactivity
c. intensity of feelings
d. sensation seeking
e. display of feelings

Answer: d
From: Lecture on 12/1/98


Clorinda Lio

A baby who is not upset when the mother leaves and avoids or ignores the mother when she returns is displaying which type of attachment?
a. anxious
b. avoidant
c. secure
d. nervous
e. none of the above

Answer: b
From: Lecture notes, 11/17

A psychologist is studying two or more groups of people assumed to be at different stages of development and collects data at one point in time. This psychologist is using which research strategy to assess personality?
a. longitudinal
b. cross-sectional longitudinal
c. retrospective
d. cross-sectional
e. panel

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 11/12


Lisa Lytle

When John was six he wanted to be president. When he turned ten he decided to be a vet. At fifteen, it was a teacher. Now that he is nineteen he knows he wants to do something with computers but he has not decided exactly what. John is in what stage of Marcia’s identity status?
a. identity achievement
b. identity foreclosure
c. moratorium
d. identity exploration
e. none of the above

Answer: c
From: Lecture, 11/12/98


Tamika Leftwich

During a test, Betsy has to leave her one year old daughter Kim alone for a few minutes. At her departure Kim seems sad at first, but continues to play. When Betsy returns, Kim greets her warmly and wants to continue playing. Their attachment should be described as
a. unstable
b. nonexistent
c. secure
d. well developed
e. none of the above

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 11/17/98


Heather McAuley

Which of the following is NOT true about heredity?
a. twin studies are traditionally used to study genes
b. change is possible, even for genetically based traits
c. environment has no effect on expression of traits
d. all of the above are true
e. none of the above are true

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 11/19/98 and 12/1/98

The heritability index of Cattell’s 16 PF traits range from .75 for ________- _______ to .10 for relaxed-tense and __________ - _________.
a. concrete thinking-abstract thinking; open-shrewd
b. conservative-liberal; concrete thinking-abstract thinking
c. concrete thinking-abstract thinking; conservative-liberal
d. none of the above
e. all of the above

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 11/19/98


Christopher Manetta

Which of the following factors would score lowest on the heritability of Cattell’s 16 PF?
a. concrete vs. anstract
b. restrained or sober vs. enthusiastic
c. conservative vs. liberal
d. relaxed vs. tense
e. both c and d

Answer: e
From: Lecture notes, 11/19/98 and Text, p. 389


Jonni Poljak

There are 3 types of attachment. Which one of these types is associated with crying when mother leaves and upon her return smiling, acknowledging, and then continuing play?
a. anxious
b. avoidant
c. insecure
d. secure
e. none of the above

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 11/17/98


Stacey Steffy

One of the four identity statuses identified by James Marcia states that there is no evidence of exploration or of having a clear identity. This identity status is
a. moratorium
b. identity achievement
c. identity diffusion
d. identity foreclosure
e. none of the above

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes on Lifespan Personality

Some emotions are thought to be inherited. These emotions include
a. emotional reactivity
b. display of feelings
c. anxiety proneness
d. a and c only
e. all of the above

Answer: e
From: Lecture notes on Genetic Basis of Personality…


Jen Stivers

Please indicate which of the following statements is NOT a myth about heredity.
a. Heredity means that a person will not change.
b. If a trait is inherited, it will have similar effects in the various people who inherit it.
c. Heredity refers to the extent to which genetic inheritance is responsible for the variability of a trait in a population.
d. If the heritability of a trait is high, it shows that society has little influence on the trait.
e. All of the above are myths

Answer: c
From: Text, p. 394, pp. 399-400


Marla Turco

People who are considered sensation seekers
a. have a very high anxiety levels
b. are high in neuroticism
c. are considered introvert
d. desire stimulation from dangerous situations
e. none of the above

Answer: d
From: Lecture notes, 12/1/98 and Text, p. 404

Which of the following is an effect of birth order?
a. first born children are usually low in motivation
b. the more children there are, the more depressed the first child will be
c. only children are higher in achievement motivation
d. younger children usually isolate themselves from other siblings
e. none of the above are effects

Answer: c
From: Lecture notes, 11/12/98 and Text, p. 376


Andrea C Cammarata

1. Longitudinal research designs
a. study subjects at only one point in time, and compare one age with
another based on different groups of subjects for each stage.
b. require collecting data on the same people for at least 2 time
periods to answer questions about continuity of personality.
c. study the effect of a time in history.
d. ask subjects to report about past experiences to test for continuity
of personality.
e. study infant attachment to their caregivers by observing infants'
responses to strangers.

Answer: b
From p. 350 in text

2. Children that show evidence of distress when their mother departs and
of comfort when she returns are
a. securely attached
b. anxious-avoidant
c. anxious-resistant
d. are in the stage of good boy-good girl orientation
e. are in the stage of punishment and obedience orientation

Answer: a
From: p. 372 in text


Kelley A Carty

When I was a freshman in college my professor did a study. The sample
was taken from my freshman studies class. He explained to us that in ten
years he would take another sample. He said it might not be necessarily
the same people but it would be the same group. This is an example of
what study?
a) longitudinal
b) panel
c) retrospective
d) cross-sectional longitudinal
e) simple longitudinal

Answer is B.
From lecture notes 11/12/98

Christina M King

My new baby sister loves to be held and passed around. She also makes
a lot of eye contact with everyone. She is probably high in which
dimension of temperament?
a) activity level
b) sociability
c) emotionality
d) affiliation
e) none of the above

Answer: b) sociability
From lecture notes on 12-1-98


Kristy L Walter

The term Delay of Gratification is:
a) an ego function
b) the ability to hold back emotions
c) the ability to postpone getting a reward
d) both a and c
e) none of the above

Answer: d
From Nov. 17 Lecture

When I was a freshman in high school, I took part in a study that
also involved the seniors in my school. Since this study involved at least
2 groups of people at different stages of development, and the data was
collected at one point in time, I took part in which type of study?
a) Longitudinal design
b) Cross-Sectional design
c) Simple study
d) Retrospective study
e) None of the above

Answer: b
From: Nov. 12 Lecture


Tyuana Bridgeman

As a professor, Dr. Brown is interested in only children and he decides
to do a study on them. When he is finished, he tells them that he would like
to pursue the study and keep in touch with them throughout their childhood,
and to see if their personality changes. Which answer best describes Dr.
Brown research strategy for assessing personality stability?
a. Cross-sectional
b. Longitudinal
c. Cohort
d. Development
e. Attachment

Answer: b.
From: lecture notes on chapter 10, and Text, p. 350