College in High School
Mathematics 0120 Business Calculus

CHS Grading Template

Your grade report for CHS Math 0120 must include your test grades, final exam grade, high school grade, numerical average, letter grade for each student, the academic year, school, and teacher.

For your convenience, there is an excel spreadsheet that you can use for your grade report. Space is provided for up to twelve students. If you have more than twelve students, please insert additional rows as needed.

After completing the spreadsheet, please print and mail (do not send by email) the printout with your final grade roster to

College in High School
208B Thackeray Hall
139 University Place
Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Grades are due by June 20. Please keep your CHS final exams on file through the end of December.


Course topics


College in High School Course Outline

University of Pittsburgh, Math 0120: Student Guidelines and Syllabus, Schedule and Practice Problems

Please use these materials when writting your syllabus.