Evgeni (Eugene) Trofimov

Eugene Trofimov

Department of Mathematics
619 Thackeray Hall
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Phone: (412) 624-8306
E-Mail: evt3 at pitt dot edu

Research Interests


College in High School Mathematics 0120 Business Calculus

My triviums


(Fall 2018)

Math 0200 Preparation for Scientific Calculus

Math 0413 Introduction to Theoretical Mathematics

Previous Courses:

Math 0031 College Algebra
Math 0120 Business Calculus
Math 0220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
Math 0230 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
Math 0240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
Math 0280 Introduction to Matrices and Linear Algebra
Math 0290 Differential Equations
Math 0400 Discrete Math Structures
Math 0413 Introduction to Theoretical Mathematics
Math 0420 Introduction to Analysis
Math 1180 Linear Algebra I
Math 1280 Ordinary Differential Equations 2
Math 1560 Complex Variables and Applications