CHEMISTRY 1131/1133
Dr. Bell-Loncella
Library Scavenger Hunt
Spring 2017

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: This is an exercise in learning to use the library -- for a chemistry class. Many of you are already familiar with most of the books and journals in the chemistry collection; therefore, this will be a review exercise. However, it can only help to heighten your awareness of the chemistry holdings at the Owen Library, and give you a good overview of the current location of materials while in temporary quarters. It counts as 15 points toward preparation for your research paper.

Your team will have a manager, recorder and technical assistant. The manager will also act as the encourager, the recorder will also be a reflector and the technical assistant will act as skeptic. We'll address each of these roles in class. If the assignment is a cooperative effort, everyone will work to help the team do the best job possible. You will turn in only one assignment. Everyone earns the same score.

For this assignment begin by walking around the library. Construct a map and use it to identify the location of the different books, journals and other reference materials that you will find on this scavenger hunt. The assignment assumes that you know how to use Pitt-cat to find the call number and location of a book. The completed assignment is due in class Friday, January 20, 2017. We'll take the last 10 minutes of class to review what you found.

We'll start on the reference level (The Main Floor of the Owen Library).

For the second part begin with Pitt-cat to locate the following.
These books are housed on the second floor of Owen Library. 

Once you have completed your "hunt", the recorder will compile all of the results in an easy-to-read (for me) formmat.