EPID 2670


Lecture Exercises

Lecture exercises will supplement selected web-based lectures. The exercises will consist of a set of questions that pertain to the material presented in the lecture [or set of lectures]. The questions may be short answer in form and derived straight from the lecture(s). Alternatively, some of the exercises will require you to read a lecture or paper on an injury-related topic and answer a set of questions that relate to that paper and the lecture(s). These graded exercises are due one week after they are given out. The exercise given out on June 19 is due back by June 22.

The exercises required are listed here:

Introduction to Injury Epidemiology
Recognizing and Addressing Injury Risk
Injury Surveillance and Injury Data Sources
Injury Severity
Injury Research Designs
Transportation Injuries
Injuries from Violence
Natural Disasters

Narrative Text Analysis

This assignment will provide direct experience in conducting a narrative analysis. You will either be given a dataset on May 29, or provided with links to existing data on the Internet on May 29. You will be expected to analyze the narrative information in one of these datasets and return a short paper (2-3 pages) that outlines the method you applied in the narrative analysis and your results. The paper will be due on June 22 or before.

Injury Research Abstracts

Two written research abstracts are required in this course. The intended purpose of the abstracts is to give you experience in developing research studies on injury issues.

Abstract 1:

Pick an injury topic from the list below. Notify Dr. Songer of the topic that you have chosen by e-mail at tjs@pitt.edu. Write an abstract (1-2 pages) that outlines a proposed resesarch study and highlights the important issues in conducting research on the injury topic.

The abstract should include the following:

This abstract is due on June 3. We will use it in the discussions of injury research methods. So, be prepared to discuss it briefly as part of class on June 3.


Abstract 2:

Write a research abstract on an injury topic of your own choice. Notify Dr. Songer of the topic that you have chosen. Write an abstract (1-2 pages) that outlines a proposed research project and highlights the important issues in conducting research on this topic.

Follow the same format as listed above when writing this second abstract. This abstract is due on June 17, 2008.

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