Classics 1130 / Religious Studies 1144 Study materials

This leads to online links concerning the architectural and artistic material covered in class handout, pp. 6-8.
An important aspect of this course is the way in which different translations can sometimes convey quite different nuances. A good illustration of this is provided by various translations of Xenophanes.
Even more than with Xenophanes, many different translations of Homer are available.

Moat current scholarship on Homer holds, in one way or another, that the Iliad and Odyssey were originally orally composed.

This leads to information concerning the test, Feb. 9, 2005. Note that most of the information concerning the test is included in the syllabus and class handouts, pp. 1-28. All students should have these handouts. What is posted here is merely an update, distributed in class, Feb. 7, for the benefit of students who somehow were not able to come to this particular class meeting.