Introduction to Doctoral Studies

Instructor: Marek J. Druzdzel


INFSCI 3005 is a course established by the Information Science faculty to introduce new doctoral students in the Information Science program to the working of the scientific enterprise, scholarly research, ethics, and the current state of the art research in information science.

The participants of this course are first year doctoral students in the Information Science program. Others can take the course or audit it by permission of the instructor.

As you might have already experienced as aspiring scientists, being a researcher requires intelligence, independent, creative thinking, and most of all commitment to hard working. This course reinforces this. There will a fairly high amount of readings. I have selected them in such a way that they are fun to read and I expect that you will do them all with pleasure. You will be expected to prepare a draft of a research problem, work it out over the course of the semester, and present it to the class at the conclusion of the course.

Another experience that this course will provide you is peer review, subjecting your work to anonymous judgment of your colleagues and judging the work of others. The workload in this class will be moderately heavy, but I believe that you will find it interesting and important. I require your commitment, doing the readings, coming to classes, and being their active participant. In return, I promise that you will have fun and you will learn many useful skills.

Syllabus (Fall 2014, PDF)
Marek Druzdzel's teaching page
Marek Druzdzel's home page

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