The Cultural Studies Program at the University of Pittsburgh presents:

Citizenship in the 21st Century:

An International Colloquium

March 17-18, 2008

Étienne Balibar

Université de Paris X - Nanterre

Keynote Speaker

with noted international scholars,

Yves Citton, Université Stendhal - Grenoble

Antonella Corsani, Université de Paris I - Pantheon-Sorbonne

Todd May, Clemson University

James Swenson, Rutgers University

Philip Watts, Columbia University

In our transnational societies, where economic and cultural exchanges have led to massive phenomena of migration and social mutation, the very institution of national citizenship is coming under attack. A political response is being articulated worldwide, since traditional forms of democratic representation and the current understanding of national cultures may be nearing obsolescence.  The conference will address new theories and practices of cultural and political intervention at the international level. 

Conference Program


MONDAY, MARCH 17 2008, 2500 WWPH


8:00 – 8:30 am:  Continental Breakfast

8:30 – 8:50am: Giuseppina Mecchia, Graduate Program for Cultural Studies, University of Pittsburgh:  Welcome and Introductory Remarks


9:00-12:00 am: The Cultural Subject as Citizen


Yves Citton, Université de Grenoble III : “Citizenship and the Power to Scenarize”.

Alyssa DeBlasio, University of Pittsburgh: “Academic Citizenship and the Legacy of Marxism in Post-Soviet Russia”.

Dorcinda Knauth, University of Pittsburgh “Politics or Faith?  Excursions in Islam through Indonesian Rock Music”.

James Swenson, Rutgers University: “Citizenship and Religion in Rousseau”


Chair and Respondent:  Ronald Judy, University of Pittsburgh


12:00- 1:30:  Lunch break


1:30- 3:30 pm:  The Subaltern as Citizen


Sambriddhi Kharel, University of Pittsburgh:  “The Struggle for Full Citizenship for Dalits in Nepal:  Approaches and Strategies of Dalit Activists”.

Natalie Kimball, University of Pittsburgh:  “Envisioning Incorporation:  Campesino Citizenship and ‘Progress’ in the Bolivian National Revolution, 1952- 1964.

Todd May, Clemson University:  “The Zapatistas:  From Identity to Equality”


Chair and Respondent:  Susan Andrade, University of Pittsburgh


3:30-4:00 pm:  Coffee Break


4:30 – 6:00 pm:  The Hybrid Subject as Citizen


Rahul Mitra, Bowling Green State University :  “Examining Ruptures:  An Ethnographic Study of Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees in India”.

Jungwon Park, University of Pittsburgh:  “From Sovereign to Neighbor:  Cosmopolitanism and Nation Across the US-Mexico Borderlands”.


Chair and Respondent: John Beverley, University of Pittsburgh




TUESDAY, MARCH 18 2008, 2500 WWPH


9:30 am-12:00 pm. The American Outsider as Citizen


Randolph Hohle, SUNY – Albany: “Symbolic Citizenship and Black Political Representation:  Competing Black Political Projects and the Civil Rights Movement”

Courtney Helgoe, University of Minnesota:  “Coming through Katrina:  The Citizen-Refugee of New Orleans”.

Philip Watts, Columbia University:  “Rififi and Democracy”


Chair and Respondent: Joshua Lund, University of Pittsburgh


12:00-2:00 pm.  Lunch Break


2:00– 4:00 pm.  The Neo-liberal Subject as Citizen


Antonella Corsani, Université Paris I – Pantheon-Sorbonne:  “Are Capitalism and Democracy Compatible?  The Dangerous Liaison between Cognitive Capitalism and Neo-Liberalism”. 

Aysha Mawani, McGill University: “Emergent Forms of Citizenship:  The Case of Multiculturalism in Canada”. 

Katie Moriarty, University of Pittsburgh:  “Nordic Citizenship in the 21st Century” 


Chair and Respondent: Charles-Louis Morand-Métivier, University of Pittsburgh



William Pitt Union Ballroom


5:00 – 7:00 pm.  Keynote Address:  Etienne Balibar, University of California at Irvine: “Historical Dilemmas of Democracy and their Contemporary Relevance”



This conference is cosponsored by the following departments at the University of Pittsburgh:

The Graduate Program for Cultural Studies

The University Provost

The Deans of the School of Arts and Sciences

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences

University Center for International Studies

Eurpoean Union Center of Excellence

Department of French and Italian