John G. Stell

Department of Computer Science
Keele University
Keele, Staffs, ST5 5BG
U. K.

1: Why I want to participate

The underlying theme of my research over the last 15 years has been theapplication of concepts from algebra and logic to modelling computationalphenomena. In the last couple of years I have started to concentrate onmodels within the area of spatial information theory and GIS. Mathematicaldevelopments within the last 50 years, centring on the rise of categorytheory, have led to some revolutionary new ways of understanding and applyingmathematics. These modern developments have considerable potential forapplication to theories of spatial information, as I have already begunto demonstrate. At the most recent COSIT meeting (Stell & Worboys,1997) I showed how the category-theoretic concepts of `pointless topology'lead to a better understanding of the Region-Connection Calculus. In apaper at the forthcoming SDH conference (Stell & Worboys, 1998) sheaf-theoreticideas are used to organize a formal account of multi-resolution spatialdatabases.

This workshop seems an ideal occasion to see if three particular issuesin the modelling of perception, cognition and change can be developed further.Two features of sheaf theory suggest that it is relevant to this workshop.These features are its ability to handle variation over time and space,and to handle the relationships between local and global aspects of dynamicphenomena. I have also been considering Poston's work on fuzzy spaces (toavoid misunderstanding, it is worth noting that this makes no use of themore widely known `fuzzy set theory'). Fuzzy spaces arose in the contextof perception, and are claimed to model perceived space much better thanconventional mathematical models. Very little work on these spaces hasbeen carried out since Poston's in the early 1970s, but there is clearevidence that they deserve further investigation. The third issue I wouldlike to see discussed concerns the semantics of identity.

Overall, I believe that I could contribute  a knowledge of a rangeof mathematical concepts, particularly in the area of category theory,which are relevant to the workshop. However, it is all too easy to proposemathematically motivated models from a superficial acquaintance with thesubject matter of the models. Thus the opportunity to have discussionswith experts in the psychological and geographical aspects of the subjectwould be valuable for the development of my own work.

2: Position Statement

The need for formalism
Formal models, using mathematical concepts, are applicable to the concernsof the workshop for a number of reasons. These models are important ifwe take a computer science viewpoint and consider the construction of GISwhich take account of cognitive models. As an example, take the issue ofstructure in cognitive maps. Hirtle (1995) considers hierarchical structuresfor spatial memory, and shows that the use of ordered trees or semi-latticescan be more appropriate than strictly hierarchical trees. If we want toimplement GIS in a way consistent with a user's internal cognitive map,concepts such as ordered trees or semi-lattices can be used to structurethe overall design of the system. Formal models are also relevant to thegeographical and the psychological viewpoints. The use of formalisms whenbuilding cognitive models of dynamic phenomena allows us to understandrelationships between a variety of proposed models, and to assess the relativemerits of different models.

Aspects of Change
There are several relatively recent developments in mathematics which canplay a role in modelling cognitive aspects of change. Rather than attemptto catalogue everything which might be useful, I want to consider threetopics. To understand how these topics relate to each other, and to thenotion of change itself, I will first consider three aspects which areoften present when dealing with phenomena of change.

The development of a city over an historical period provides a simpleillustration. Concentrating on the region of space occupied by the city,we can isolate three aspects:

It is important to realize that the domain of variation need not be time,but could equally well be space, or space-time, or something else. Forinstance, consider a GIS capable of displaying maps of a given region atvarious levels of detail. A user of such a system can think of what isprovided as a single map (the underlying entity) which has an appearancewhich varies over a domain of levels of detail.

The three aspects identified are fundamental to modelling phenomenaof change. Together they raise some important issues which should be amongthose addressed by the workshop. Before elaborating on these specific issues,I want to consider a branch of mathematics which has provided some significantinsights into some of these issues.

Category Theory and its application to Cognition
The classical mathematical tools of set theory are well known and widelyused in formal approaches to computer science, philosophy, cognitive science,artificial intelligence etc. These tools can be very effective, but havesome serious limitations. For example, Smith (1995) concludes that "Set-theoreticstructure provides no basis for an understanding of the many and variedsorts of genuine unification (causal, biological, psychological, artefactual,institutional) by which the common-sense world is structured."

Category theory provides an alternative approach to mathematics whichhas much to offer those working in areas related to the topic of this workshop.A category in the mathematical sense is a particular algebraic structure,essentially a directed graph equipped with the ability to compose edges.The notion of category was formulated in 1945, and since then categorytheory has been used, among other things, as a way of organizing and understandingmathematics itself. It may well be that the success of category theorycan be explained in terms of Lakoff and Nunez' (1997) metaphorical accountof mathematics. One of the appealing aspects of category theory is itsuse of diagrams (originating from the underlying graphs). The use of arrowsappears to exemplify Lakoff's source-path-goal schema, which isalso important in the cartographic context (MacEachren 1995, p189).

There have been very few applications of category theory in a specificallyGIS context, but there is clear evidence that further investigation wouldbe worthwhile. Ehresmann & Vanbremeersch (1987) use category theoryto model the emergence of properties within complex systems. Hoffman (1985)applies category theory to perceptual and cognitive systems. A particularway in which category theory may be important in modelling change is notedby Magnan & Reyes (1994, p58). They observe that the objects referredto in natural languages "are ephemeral and changing, unlike numbersand sets which are timeless and constant. Category theory gives us themeans to define a generalized (...) set as an object of a category satisfyingsome properties (a topos), without the temptation to go into overdeterminations..."

Local and Global aspects of Variation over a Domain
In observing some changing geographical phenomenon over a period of time,how are individual observations over small time periods constructed intoa model of the phenomenon over its entire lifetime? In learning a new environment,how do humans build up a global cognitive map from individual episodesof interaction with the environment? Both these questions have been thesubjects of several studies, for an example of the latter one there isthe combination  of `local maps' and of `regional maps' in Chown,Kaplan & Kortenkamp (1995). The category-theoretic tools of sheaf theoryare likely to helpful in providing a formal framework for dealing suchquestions, but their application to this area has not yet been exploredin any detail.

Sheaf theory allows us to model `local' properties of structures, andtheir relationship to `global' properties. The notion of local versus global can be interpreted temporally (small portions of time within a largerinterval), or spatially (small subregions within a larger region). It canalso be understood in the context of variation over levels of detail. Sheaftheory has been applied (Sofronie-Stokkermans 1997) to modelling cooperatingsystems. One specific issue studied is how local plans, made by individualagents, can be combined to realize some global objective. It would be worthwhileto investigate whether the same mathematical concepts can applied to provideuseful formal models in the GIS context, for example handling the combinationof local (in any of the senses indicated above) observations into globalones. It appears possible that the Geocognostic framework (Edwards 1997)might be formalized as sheaves over a space of trajectories. Such an approachwould be one way to investigate formal models of cognitive maps of changingenvironments.

Indistinguishability in Perceived Properties.
Arbitrarily fine distinctions are not possible in our perception of space.Even with the best conceivable instruments, there will point locationswhich we cannot distinguish, but of which we cannot be certain that theyare distinct. This applies to any aspect of perception, for example colour,distance, sound etc. it applies just as much to spatial regions as to points.However, classical mathematical models of space fail to take account ofthis. We need to have a formal model in which we can say that entitiesP and Q are indistinguishable, and Q and Rare indistinguishable, while allowing the possibility that P andR are distinguishable. Thus the relation of indistinguishabilityis radically different from equality as it need not be transitive. Thestudy of space in this sense was suggested by Poincare (1913), and wasdeveloped in more detail by Poston (1971), but much remains to be done.Varying the indistinguishably relation could be significant for understandinggeneralization in the context of dynamic visualization, which is acknowledgedto be an important research topic (MacEachren et al. 1998).

Identity of the Underlying Entity
We speak of the same forest at two different times even when none of thetrees remain the same, and when the physical boundaries are drasticallyaltered. Similarly we think of cities as having continuous existence eventhough little besides the rough location of the settlement is identifiableas constant over a period of centuries. Yet mere preservation of locationdoes not always mean that we would talk of "the same city". Thenotion of continuation of identity is central the notion of change, yethas long been a source of philosophical problems (Gallois 1998). Theseproblems are of practical relevance to any formal account of GIS technologywhich is capable of dealing with change, and with how we customarily thinkand talk about change. One example where some of these ideas appear isin the change description language developed by Hornsby and Egenhofer (1997).

A significant approach to the semantics of identity has been proposedby Reyes, Macnamara and Reyes (1994). They develop a theory of referenceapplicable to certain linguistic entities, including proper names and countnouns. Some key elements of their treatment, including the notions of entityand of coincidence between members of different kinds, relies in an essentialway on the tools provided by category theory. Their work is in a purelylinguistic context, but offers considerable promise for application toentities in geographic space.


Chown, E., Kaplan, S. & Kortenkamp, E. (1995)
Prototypes, Location, and Associative Networks (PLAN):Towards a Unified Theory of Cognitive Mapping. Cognitive Science 19(pp1-51).
Edwards, G. (1997)
Geocognostics - A New Framework for Spatial InformationTheory. In Hirtle & Frank (1997) (pp455-471)
Ehresmann, A. C. & Vanbremeersch, J.-P. (1987)
Hierarchical Evolutive Systems: A Mathematical Model forComplex Systems. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 49 (pp13-50)
Gallois, A. (1998)
Occasions of Identity: A Study in the Metaphysics of Persistence,Change, and Sameness Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Hirtle, S. C.  (1995)
Representational Structures for Cognitive Spaces: Trees,Ordered Trees and Semi-lattices. In A. U. Frank & W. Kuhn (Eds)Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS. Proceedingsof COSIT 95. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 988 (pp327-340)Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Hirtle, S. C. & Frank, A. U. (Editors)   (1997)
Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS.Proceedings of COSIT 97. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1329 Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Hoffman, W. C. (1985)
Some Reasons why algebraic topology is important in neuropsychology:perceptual and cognitive systems as fibrations. Int. J. Man-MachineStudies 22 (pp613-650)
Hornsby, K. & Egenhofer, M. J. (1997)
Qualitative Representation of Change. In Hirtle &Frank (1997) (pp15-33)
Lakoff, G. & Nunez, R. E. (1997)
The Metaphorical Structure of Mathematics: Sketching OutCognitive Foundations for a Mind-Based Mathematics. InL. D. English (ed.) Mathematical Reasoning: Analogies, Metaphors, andImages. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Magnan, F. & Reyes, G. E. (1994)
Category Theory as a Conceptual Tool in the Study of Cognition.In J. Macnamara & G. E. Reyes (Eds) The Logical Foundations of Cognition.(pp57-90) Oxford University Press, New York.
MacEachren, A. M. (1995)
How Maps Work: Representation, Visualization, and Design.The Guildford Press, New York.
MacEachren, A. M. & the ICA Commission on Visualization(1998)
Visualization - Cartography for the 21st Century. InProceedings of the Polish Spatial Information Association Conference, May1998, Warsaw, Poland.
Poston, T. (1971)
Fuzzy Geometry. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick.
Poincare, H. (1913)
The Value of Science. Translated by G. B. Halsted.Dover Publications, New York (1958). Original French edition 1913.
Reyes, M. La P., Macnamara, J. & Reyes, G. E. (1994)
Reference, Kinds and Predicates. In J. Macnamara &G. E. Reyes (Eds) The Logical Foundations of Cognition. (pp91-143)Oxford University Press, New York.
Smith, B. (1995)
Formal Ontology, Common Sense and Cognitive Science.International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. vol 43 (pp641-667)
Sofronie-Stokkermans, V. (1997)
Fibered Structures and Applications to Automated TheoremProving in Certain Classes of Finitely-Valued Logics and to Modeling InteractingSystems. Ph.D. Thesis, Johannes Kepler Universitat,Linz, Austria.
3: Brief Curriculum Vitae

John Stell is a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at KeeleUniversity, in England. He has been a lecturer at Keele since 1988, originallyjointly between the separate departments of Mathematics and of ComputerScience. In 1997 he transferred to a position in Computer Science in orderto concentrate his research activities on the theoretical foundations ofGIS.

He studied mathematics (B.Sc. 1980) and computer science (M.Sc. 1981)at the University of Manchester. From 1981 to 1985 he worked as a researchassistant at Strathclyde University in Glasgow on various projects, includingone on a diagnostic system for the logic programming language Prolog. Thisproject (Coombs, Hartley and Stell, 1986) involved the development andimplementation of a cognitive model to represent a naive user's understandingof the Prolog interpreter.

After developing an interest in the mathematical concepts of categorytheory and its applications to computer science, he returned to Manchester(1985 - 1988) and obtained a Ph.D. in this area of theoretical computerscience. He has a number of publications in the application of category-theoreticmodels to term rewriting systems. This rather technical work has provideda good background in a variety of mathematical concepts which he is nowseeking to apply in the general area of spatial information theory.

Selected Publications
M. J. Coombs, R. T. Hartley and J. G. Stell, (1986) Debugging User Conceptionsof Interpretation Processes, AAAI-86 vol 1  pp303--307, AmericanAssociation for Artificial Intelligence.

J. G. Stell and M. F. Worboys, (1995) Towards a representation forspatial objects in diverse Geometries, Proceedings of the Second ACMWorkshop on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, pp38--43, ACM Press,New York.

J. G. Stell and M. F. Worboys, (1997) The Algebraic Structure ofSets of Regions, Spatial Information Theory, COSIT'97, S. C. Hirtleand A. U. Frank (eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1329, pp163--174,Springer-Verlag.

J. G. Stell and  M. F. Worboys, (1998) Stratified map Spaces:A  Formal Basis for Multi-resolution Spatial Databases, Proceedingsof International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling,   SDH'98.

J. G. Stell and T. Bittner, (1998) A Boundary-Sensitive Approachto Qualitative Location, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence,Accepted for publication.

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