Vistas in Mathematics

A January @ GSAS Minicourse at Harvard University

Carl Wang-Erickson

This course is intended for non-mathematicians who, no matter what their past history of love or hate of mathematics, are interested in seeing a few interesting examples of the mathematical ideas and ways of thinking that can be called "fun" or even "beautiful." See the syllabus below for more information.

10 Sessions
Monday January 11 - Friday January 22, 2010
1pm-2pm, Monday - Friday
Science Center, Room 232

Here is a Syllabus with detailed course information and a summary of each session.
Here is an annotated bibliography of further readings and sources for the mathematics in this course.

Please contact me with any questions or comments!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I come to just a few or even one of the sessions?
A: Yes! The course is specifically designed so that this will be possible. There are some connections between topics, so if you are interested in coming to sessions addressing your favorite topic, read the syllabus carefully.

Q: What is the time and location of the course?
A: Although some old copies of the syllabus and a link on the Graduate Student Council webpage listed a different time and a TBD location, the information on this webpage is correct: sessions happen from 1pm to 2pm in Science Center 232.

Q: Who is this course for? Can I come?
A: This course is sponsored by the Harvard Graduate Student Council for graduate students, but anyone is welcome. It is specifically intended to be open to those with no mathematical background.

Q: So if I know a lot of math and use it every day, will I be bored?
A: No, unless you are a graduate student in mathematics. Every topic is virtually unknown in the form I present it to non-mathematicians.

Q: Can I bring a lunch?
A: Sure!

Contact Information.