School of Information Sciences

School of Information Sciences



School of Information Sciences and
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
University of Pittsburgh
605 IS Building
135 N. Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412) 624-9310; Fax: (412) 648-7001

Toni Carbo was the Dean of the School of Information Sciences (SIS) at the University of Pittsburgh from August, 1986 through June 30, 2002. She is currently a professor at SIS and at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA). From November 1980 - July 1986, she served as Executive Director of the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS), the government agency responsible for advising the President and US Congress on policy and planning in the information field. Her work in the information field began in 1962 and includes extensive experience with information service producers and users (both libraries and database producers) and in research in the areas of information policy and the use of information. She has an A.B. from Brown University and M.S. and Ph.D. from Drexel University. She is Past-President of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) and was chair of the ALISE 1998 and 2000 Conference Committees. She received the ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science Education in 2002. She chaired the board of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) for several years and continues as a member of the board. She is also vice-chair of the board of Three Rivers Connect (3RC), for which she served as interim chair and is a member of their Executive Committee. Dr. Carbo was elected to the International Women's Forum of Western Pennsylvania. She was a member of the Heinz Family Foundation's Jury for Technology, the Economy, and Employmentfrom 1998-2002 and was a member of the Information Futures Institute of Clarion University. She served as a member of the Planning Committee of the first UNESCO Infoethics Conference in Monaco, March 1997 and has been involved with planning several other Information Ethics programs.

Dr. Carbo was a member of the US National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council (NII AC) 1994-1996, and was named a US representative to the G-7 Round Table of Business Leaders to the G-7 Information Society Conference, February 1995, in Brussels, Belgium. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and a member of the AAAS/American Bar Association National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists, and served on the AAAS Council for 1996-1999. She is also a fellow of the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS), the National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS), and the Special Libraries Association (SLA). Dr. Carbo was a member of the board of the Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council (GPLC) for five years and served as president of the American Society for Information Science (ASIS) in 1989. She was selected by Drexel University as one of the 100 most distinguished of its 60,000 alumni and was awarded its Centennial Medal. She received the Distinguished Service Award from the Pennsylvania Library Association (PLA) in 1995 and was named to the American Library Association's (ALA) Fiftieth Anniversary Honor Roll of Legislative and Grass Roots Library Champions. She was named Miles Conrad Lecturer by the National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS) in 1997, elected to Beta Phi Mu in 1973, and has been a member of the Software & Information Industry Association (SIAA) (formerly Information Industry Association) for several years. She received the Greater Pittsburgh YWCA Science and technology Award in 2000.

Dr. Carbo has extensive international expertise. She is co-chairing a University of Pittsburgh--European Union conference on e-government, in 2001. She chaired the US delegation to the general council meeting of UNESCO General Information Programme (PGI) in 1984 and served as a member of the 1982 delegation. She was co-chair of the US National Committee for the International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID) and chaired FID's Infostructures and Policies Committee, which oversaw the FID's role in the Global Information Alliance (GIA), and chaired the FID-IDRC Impact Advice Group Project. She has directed international research projects related to the use of scientific and technical information, and her research on overlap in coverage of scientific literature is considered the seminal work in the field.

Author of more than 100 articles, speeches, and technical reports in the information sciences, Dr. Carbo is the Editor of The International Information and Library Review (IILR), published by Academic Press, and has served on the editorial boards of several publications.

Last updated July 23, 2003.

School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh,
135 North Bellefield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
tel: 412.624.5230 | fax: 412.624.5231 |

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