These images accompany the article

What's in Your Mouth?
The CT Appearance of Comestible Intraoral Foreign Bodies

published in The American Journal of Neuroradiology

Those images that appear in the published version of the article are copyright AJNR, the remainder are under the copyright of the authors of the article.

Jawbreaker (wide window) Jawbreaker (narrow window)

Lemonhead (speckled hypodensities) Lemonhead (linear hypodensities)

Two tic tacs under tongue Compare: calculus in Wharton's duct

tic tac with motion artifact Compare: calculus in Wharton's duct Compare: torus mandibularis

Lifesaver Lifesaver Lifesaver

Starburst (unchewed) Starburst (unchewed)

Starburst (chewed) Tootsie roll (chewed)

Tootsie roll (chewed) Compare: dentures Compare: mental implant

Bubble gum Compare: floor of mouth hematoma

Hard-shelled gum Compare: torus maxillaris

Chewing tobacco Compare: Laceration of the lower lip Compare: Soft tissue abscess

Updated Apr 25, 2008.