Andrew Koch
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Measures of common ownership used in Koch, Panayides, and Thomas (2020)

The datasets below include the measures of common ownership used in Koch, Panayides, and Thomas (2020).  Each dataset includes five measures of common ownership; density, pcf, pcs, MHHIdelta, and C.  These are constructed using three different industry identifiers; NAICS, three-digit SIC codes, and the 300 fixed-classification industries from Hoberg and Phillips (2016) (H&P).  To use these data, you must have a subscription to CRSP and Thomson Reuters s34 holdings data.   For details regarding our construction of variables, see Koch, Panayides, and Thomas (2020).

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments about the data.

Common ownership using NAICS-defined industries
xlsx   sas7bdat

Common ownership using SIC-defined industries
xlsx   sas7bdat

Common onwership using H&P-defined industries
xlsx   sas7bdat