Our Semester at Sea Site
Not-So New News Flashes:
  1. A bottle was found by a man named Howard Merkel with a message from Jonathan Kennedy, Jeffrey R.A. Kirkpatrick, Jordan Beard, Kelly Berkle, Meghan Murphy, and Molly Petrie from our voyage! More information will be posted here as details become available. The discussion was diverted from private email to the MSN site.
  2. The SS Universe Explorer, which was created as the BRASIL in 1958, has been scrapped! See the ship at the following web sites:
  3. The Institute for Shipboard Education has unfortunately moved away from Pittsburgh and is now with University of Virginia.

Our Blog

I now realize this was a blog (although not an interactive one) before the term was invented. I previously called it an "illustrated journal," built and uploaded during the Voyage, with over 500 pictures of our trip during the Fall Semester, 1999

Note: This is not the official Semester at SeaŽ web site;
it just chronicles our personal experiences in the Fall 1999 voyage!
Semester at SeaŽ is a registered mark of the Institute for Shipboard Education.

Well, we're home now. What a trip! If any of you is considering this trip, but aren't sure if it is worth it, put your worries aside. This was a trip of a lifetime! Please feel free to rejoin my regular web page in progress at www.pitt.edu/~galletta

On March 28, 2002, I received the following fortune at a Lulu's Noodle House. Yes, I agree!

Note: If you went on this trip and your face is clearly visible in any photo, please e-mail me at galletta@katz.pitt.edu and I will include your name. Toward the beginning I didn't appreciate the importance of including names, and in the end it was difficult to collect this information for all the shots I had already taken. Please contact me if yours is misspelled, too! Also, I'd like to use some of Sam Ngo's words I found on his site: "Feel free to use any pictures you like in my website. However, please give me credit [and] drop a line saying that you're doing so."

All-Voyage Reunion!
My photos from the Chicago REUNION!
Vicarious Voyage--from the kids' perspective!
Charles Tsai's astoundingly good The Union,
(an all-ship News & Update
Community we're lucky to have!)
My St. George's Watch
(a Faculty/Staff/Salt
News & Update Community)
Note: the discussion has ended,
but archives are posted.

Other featured sites from Fall 1999 Alumni:

  1. Prof. Larry Butler has some thoughtful and enjoyable journals on line.
  2. Did I mention Charles Tsai's unbelievable online community?
  3. Minh Chau's site has some cool graphics and photos, and she has recently added a lot more photos and touching commentary.
  4. Sam Ngo's site has some outstanding photos (click on "Millenium World Voyage")
  5. Erik Christiansen has a site with some good pictures, even though he has "poached" the domain name semesteratsea.net!

Complete list of MSN Communities for Semester at Sea voyages
(Note: These are not official sites of the Semester at Sea program):

  1. Fall 1998
  2. Spring 1999
  3. Fall 1999's new site (our voyage!) Fall 1999's old site
  4. Spring 2000.
  5. Summer 2000.
  6. Fall 2000.
  7. Spring 2001.
  8. Fall 2001.
  9. Spring 2002.
  10. Fall 2002.
  11. Spring 2003.
  12. Summer 2003.
  13. Fall 2003.
  14. Spring 2004.
  15. Summer 2004.
  16. Fall 2004.
  17. Spring 2005.
  18. Summer 2005.
  19. Fall 2005.
  20. Spring 2006.
  21. Summer 2006.
  22. Fall 2006.
  23. Spring 2007 (with Archbishop Desmond Tutu!).
  24. Summer 2007.
  25. Fall 2007 (note: back in the Mediterranean and Egypt!!!).
  26. Spring 2008.
  27. Summer 2008.
  28. Fall 2008.
  29. Spring 2009.
  30. Summer 2009.
  31. Fall 2009.
E-Mail lists:
Christy's Journal Entries
for her college English class
Carole's Journal Entries
for family and friends
Lauren's Journal Entries
for her classmates!

Other materials

Semester at SeaŽ Ring

This Semester at Sea Ring site
is owned by Dennis Galletta.

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