Graduate Student Handbook

The graduate program in history of art and architecture is a PhD program. Incoming students are admitted directly into the doctoral program. Generally, the program requires six to eight years to complete. The MA degree is granted as a step toward the doctorate, normally at the end of the second year. (In certain circumstances, students may be admitted to pursue an MA only, but these students are ineligible for financial aid.)

Doctoral students concentrate in one of three areas: East Asian, modern/contemporary, and Europe before 1750. While this area remains the focus of their study and research, the program trains students to teach and think broadly. Curriculum requirements and teaching assistantships give students opportunities to study and learn outside their area of concentration. Students are also expected to study outside the history of art and architecture department, in order to begin framing the kind of interdisciplinary questions that are increasingly demanded both in teaching and in scholarship.

This handbook explains degree requirements, fellowship and other financial aid opportunities, teaching assistantships, advising and evaluation procedures, and expectations for both students and faculty. Remember to consult the Bulletin of the School of Arts and Sciences for further details on administrative requirements, and to keep abreast of announcements from the department’s director of graduate studies.

Download the Graduate Student Handbook (Word).

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